F-Litter (Tessa)
From birth to hand over
On December 20, 2020 Tessa gave birth to 7 healthy puppies (Cia vom Burgerwald x Contigo du Chateau du Blaireau): 3 black and 4 brown puppies, 4 males and 3 females. At the end of 2020, at the beginning of 2021, we were allowed to raise Tessa’s first litter. The photos can be found below.
In the Facebook album F-litter you will find pictures of the rearing and constantly pictures of the dogs with the new owners. If you want to see them click here.
You can see videos of our puppies on Youtube.
9th week – week of goodbye
We went on various excursions, driving cars and visiting my parents’ house with the puppies and the days of saying goodbye came soon. For four days, one puppy after another was picked up by their overjoyed new owners. Yes, one or two tears rolled, it wasn’t easy to say goodbye, but to see the happy faces of the new owners made up for a lot. Thus the story of the F-litter ends here. Pictures of the further development of our puppies can still be seen in the album F-Litter on Facebook.

8th week
This was a very sad week for us. On Tuesday morning my mother left us forever. As a result, our life has changed significantly, as we had to take over the management of my demented, wheelchair-sitting father and his house from now on. That is also the reason why there were no more current photos of the puppies on the homepage for so long. From the memory I actually believed that there are almost no puppy photos from this week of life and was now all the more surprised when looking out what we had done with the puppies, despite the huge amount of things to do. They were vaccinated, chipped and blood drawn. They drove in a car for the first time and went on a trip to my daughter’s training, met children there and got to know a new place. Another trip was to a farm and we also went for a round in the village and at our farm again and again new places.

07 February 2021 – puppies at the age of 7 weeks

7th Week
Life is getting more and more exciting for our dwarfs. Frequent dog and human visits, the new owners were also visiting sometimes. They got to know new places and new animals, a bicycle and also a wheelchair and walking stick. We have also started medical training and the clipping machine now comes into regular contact with the puppies (not for clipping, of course, but to get them used to the noise). They have known vacuum cleaners from the start anyway.

6th Week
The puppies have grown a lot again. They got their first chew bar and they got to know new places and animals on the farm outside. They are particularly taken with the hay barn.
5th Week
A lot of development has happened again this week. They all cracked the 3kg mark, but also their running and playing is getting longer and longer. We made our first excursions in the snow and meet the other animals, the indoor playground has expanded and there is also a small outdoor enclosure. There were children and dogs too. We also started with brushing and with “medical training”. In addition, the puppies are now almost house-trained in terms of droppings.
4th Week
All puppies have cracked the 2 kg weight class. The teeth came out and the second deworming took place.
A lot of other things have happened this week. The puppies have started exploring the world, playing and fighting. They were given a playground outside of the whelping box and are regularly carried out to dispose of feces, which now works very well. And they are now fed several times a day, which is very harmonious.
3rd Week
2nd Week
1st Week