G-Litter (Emma)
From birth to hand over
On September 22nd, 2021 Emma gave birth to nine healthy puppies earlier than expected in just 2 hours and 10 minutes! 6 males, 3 females. The female puppies are all sand-colored, the males sand-colored and black.
The birth was absolutely uncomplicated and Emma also masters everything afterwards very confidently. We post photos and videos of the puppies on Facebook every day, since the album G-Litter is public, everyone can view it. On the homepage itself, the photos are always posted with some distance and also much less of them.
You can see videos of our puppies on Youtube.
You can see more details about the mating here.
Gracy home alone

10th week
The last puppies moved out. The weather gods weren’t that gracious when we were transferred, but everything went well. Before they left, there was a trip to see father and various other trips. They also got to know the first snow.

9th week
And again we continued training and practicing, as in the previous weeks. Sniffing carpet, individual training in the office and other rooms, visiting dogs. The covers for the EU vaccination passports arrived and the first puppies were picked up. You can see in the photos how the blanket for the puppy was “scented” with mom, siblings and me shortly before collection, and they also got an Adaptil®️ collar up (pheromones) to make it easier for them to say goodbye. My puppies left the yard with a harness, leash, food, treats, toys and various other things. Gracy, the bitch we keep, made the first trips with us.

8th week
So much training, so many new experiences: medical training, driving for the first time, contact with wheelchair and rollator when visiting my father, vaccination, blood sampling, chipping, litter sampling, practicing being good in the office in the box, clipping machine, brushing, … that’s how much a puppy has to learn 😊. Please also note, our chips show the puppy’s internal body temperature (with a reader able doing that ).

7th week
It went on with many visitors, 2- and 4-legged friends. The trips get longer and longer. Every now and then they come to the office to learn that too. And the first excursion in the (pushed) bicycle trailer takes place.

6th week
Many trips, both indoors and outdoors, prepare for life. The cat Grisu is always there. People of all ages and genders and various friends’ dogs visited the puppies to give them a very socialized start in life. And getting used to the clipper, vacuum cleaner and other devices continued.

5th week
And even more visitors in all age groups. The excursions get a little longer, the eating works better and better, the various toys are happily accepted. Our “litter cat” Grisu is a highlight again. The autumn weather is kind to us and the puppies are often outside in the outdoor run, where they also do 💩.

4th week
We discover the world. First trips outside, the first feeding, the second deworming, cutting claws, first visitors, both two-legged and four-legged. The first teeth, first contact with the running clipper and the vacuum cleaner. There is so much to discover.

3rd week
The little dogs are slowly starting to grow; in addition to smelling, they also begin to see, hear and wiggle around. Towards the end of the third week you can see the first short game sequences. The first deworming was due, the first cat visit took place and they tried to crawl off the scales every day while they are being weighed.

2nd week
This time is also characterized by drinking and sleeping, the mother dog leaves the litter box more and more often and goes for a walk again for a longer period of time than just a few minutes. At the beginning of the second week the puppies all doubled their birth weight and at the end of the second week their eyes and ears open slowly. And also the first claw cutting is on the program in the second week. We did the ENS program with the puppies again, which we always carry out daily from day 3 to day 16. More information can be found here.

We did the ENS program with the puppies again, which we always carry out daily from day 3 to day 16. You can find more information here.

1st week
As always, this time is exclusively characterized by drinking and sleeping. After a few days, Emma also voluntarily began to come out of the whelping box.

