
I personally have lived with dogs for over 50 years, sometimes one, sometimes several, sometimes pedigree, sometimes mixed breeds. A long time ago I bred and led Briards, then there followed years of various dogs from the animal shelter and as the children grew up I decided to start breeding again and started looking for a suitable breed. I stumbled upon the Barbet by chance and have been enthusiastic about this breed every day since then. 

Even though it’s a hunting dog, it’s the perfect family dog. My dogs accompany me to my numerous lectures abroad. They are with me in the hotels, restaurants and at the lectures, where every time they gather an enthusiastic crowd of fans around them. In the meantime, I have met all breeding criteria with Emma and Tessa and received the breeding license for both Barbet bitches. My old kennel name of the Briards was extended to include the Barbet and so we can start breeding Barbets from the Waldviertel (Woodquater) (du Quartier des Bois). I’m really looking forward to being a breeder again! I am looking forward to many puppies and it is with a heavy heart that I will also hand over these puppies to very loving families. We live in beautiful Austria, or rather in one of the most beautiful parts of it, in the Waldviertel, a part of Lower Austria very close to the Czech border.

Our Barbet kennel is registered at ÖKV and FCI.

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